ASL-approved spa sludge
Approved spa treatments

Documents to be submitted for contracted care and related instructions

For mud baths and balneotherapy, ASL mpegnative, issued by one’s general practitioner and handed in upon arrival at the hotel, bearing the following prescription: “Cycle of mud baths and therapeutic baths.
Diagnosis: “Widespread arthrosis or polyarthrosis or extra-articular rheumatism or osteoporosis or other pathology referable to the above.”
With such a commitment, the admission medical examination, 12 mud baths and 12 therapeutic baths are free of charge.

For inhalations and aerosols, the ASL prescription, issued by one’s general practitioner and handed in upon arrival at the hotel, must include the following prescription: “Cycle of inhalations and aerosols.”
Diagnosis: “Sinusitis or rhinosinusitis or chronic bronchitis or pharyngolaryngitis or vasomotor rhinopathy or chronic bronchial rhinosinusitic syndromes or other pathology referable to the above.”
With such a commitment, the admission medical examination, the 12 inhalations and 12 aerosols are free of charge.

Social Security number/health card

In order to qualify for the exemptions provided by the National Health Service, it is necessary for the prescription to be filled by your general practitioner without errors and subsequent corrections.
Otherwise, list prices will be charged for the services.
Prescriptions lacking any of the following requirements cannot be accepted as they are not reimbursed by the ASL:

  • Lack of diagnosis
  • Recipe written half by computer and half by hand, with two handwritings or with two colors of ink
  • Lack of the prescribing physician’s stamp or signature
  • Lack of the assisted person’s social security number or regional code
  • Missing date of prescription issue

Each patient has the right to take advantage – at the expense of the National Health Service – of only one cycle of spa treatments within the year for the planned pathologies.
To take advantage of the treatments, it is sufficient to have one’s family doctor issue a proposal-request to be drawn up on the National Health Service’s standardized prescription pad.
A family doctor must be understood to mean a general practitioner, a pediatrician of free choice or a specialist in one of the branches pertaining to the pathologies that may find benefit from the treatments.
The proposal-request must indicate the diagnosis (corresponding to one of the pathologies that can find benefit from spa treatments, identified by the Ministry of Health in a special list attached to the Ministerial Decree of December 15, 1994 and recalled by the subsequent Decree of March 22, 2001) and the related course of treatment to be practiced.
In cases where the Health Director of the Atlantic Terme Hotel detects in the prescription-proposal a relevant difference between the pathology and the prescribed cures, the latter may agree with the referring doctor of the USL company of territorial location of the establishment on possible corrections of the prescription, without changing the diagnosis formulated by the general practitioner or specialist.
Upon admission of the patient, our Medical Director, or other appointed physician, completes the relevant medical record, after a thorough medical examination to ascertain any clinical contraindications to treatment and to identify the quality, timing and mode of prescribed administrations.

At the end of the entire course of treatment:

  • Non-exempt patients pay a co-payment of € 55.00
  • Partially exempt patients pay the fixed fee of € 3.10 if the exemption code is correctly indicated on the prescription by the attending physician
  • Totally exempt patients pay nothing if the total exemption code is correctly indicated on the prescription by the attending physician

Protected categories

The so-called protected categories (ex art. 57 paragraph 3 l.n.833/78 and art.13 c.6
D.L. n.463/83, as amended by the conversion law L.n.638/83) can take advantage of an additional specific course of treatment during the year.
The following are made to fall into this category: invalids for reasons of war and service, the blind, the deaf and dumb and civil invalids with a percentage greater than two-thirds as well as labor invalids.
All those who undergo treatment are required to declare, on the back of the prescription-proposal, under their own responsibility that in the current calendar year they have not benefited from another cycle of specific treatment, with charges borne by the National Health Service, or that they are entitled to the treatments provided for members of protected categories.

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